Person Directory (PD) User Guide

The Person Directory (PD) User Guide provides a full end to end review of how PD functions within Alberta Netcare. The User Guide will provide in depth descriptions on PD components, as well as step by step instructions on how to complete key tasks within the application. 

User Guide Contents

  • PD Basics: PD overview. 
  • PD Access: PD authorization, login credentials, launching PD and how to set up an open button. 
  • Viewing: Searching for a patient file, viewing in PD, updating PD information, viewing demographic data and eligibility. 
  • Registering: Registering overview, creating a new user, add similar people, newborns, register a visitor, federally insured person, resident of Alberta and register a dependent child. 
  • Updating: Identity validation, non validated records, add alias name type, address and phone, physical address, date of death, newborn information, Alberta Personal Health Card requests, alternate IDs, registration validation, residency, merge/ unmerge request and updating a person's eligibility. 
    Click here to access the User Guide for Person Directory (PD)
Note: All screen shots in this guide are from a test site and do not contain real user IDs, contact information or names.