Person Directory (PD) Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about Person Directory? Browse the Person Directory Frequently Asked Questions below. Select a topic below and click on it to show all relevant FAQs to the topic. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for below, review the PD Quick Reference documents or the Person Directory landing page.


Who is included in Person Directory?

Millions of records reside in the Person Directory (PD) database. These include records for:
  • Alberta residents.
  • Persons from outside Alberta who receive health services in Alberta.
  • Persons from outside Alberta who do not receive health services in Alberta but have a vested interest in the health system (such as an executor or guardian).

What are the different levels of PD Access?

Only authorized users with the appropriate permissions may access PD. Registered PD users are assigned one of four PD access permissions:
  • View PD information.
  • View PD information, including newborn.
  • View and update PD information.
  • View and update PD information, including newborn.


What are the two ways to access PD from Alberta Netcare Portal?

PD is accessed by configuring the Homepage. PD can be configured to launch in one of two ways:
  • Clicking on an Open button displayed on the Homepage.
  • Automatically loading PD at the same time as the Homepage (this option is recommended for frequent PD users).

To configure your Homepage to include an Open button or to Autoload PD, refer to the PD Quick Reference: Setup Access to PD.

How do I add Alberta Netcare Portal as an allowed site in my Pop-up blocker settings?

To add Alberta Netcare Portal as an allowed site within your pop-up blocker settings, refer to the ANP Quick Reference: Configure and Navigate the Clinician Homepage. It will also guide you to add ANP as a trusted site within your browser.


How do you check for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) eligibility?

AHCIP eligibility can be confirmed in Person Directory (PD).
  1. Open Person Directory from Alberta Netcare Portal (use the PD Autoload or PD Open button on your Homepage).
  2. Search for and select the patient.
  3. On the PD View/ Update Person screen, the Current Eligibility Date is shown in the Eligibility field.
    • For details you can click on the View Eligibility link. If the person is eligible, you will see an eligibility start date.

For detailed instruction on how to configure Person Directory on your Homepage in ANP, please see the PD Quick Reference, How to Set Up Access to Person Directory.

For more information on how to search for patients in Person Directory, please see the PD Quick Reference, How to Search in Person Directory.

Why can't I find the person's demographic data in PD?

If a patient cannot be located in PD:
  • Ensure that at least one of the search fields with red asterisks (*) is filled in on the search screen.
  • Reduce the amount of search criteria. Too many requirements may not return any results as they must all match exactly. Always start off with broad search criteria, and then narrow the criteria. For example, start with full last name, first initial of the first name, and year of birth.
  • Try searching for the last name using the Last Name Search is: drop-down menu set to either Phonetic (sounds like) or Starts With.

Do I have to fill out all the search fields on the Person Search Criteria screen?

No, but at least one of the search fields with a red asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Viewing Demographic Data

What does Date of Birth and Date of Death information include?

Date of Birth and Date of Death information includes:
  • A “Validated” reference that displays on-screen if Date of Birth and/ or Date of Death has been validated.
  • “Notified” is displayed if Date of Death has not been validated.
  • Document type validating Date of Birth.
  • Issuing Authority (province) of validating document. 
  • Effective/ Expiry Date of validating document.

Why are there two ULIs displayed for one person?

The top portion of the PD screen shows the person's preferred name and PHN/ULI. When a duplicate record has been created, resulting in two ULI numbers assigned to the same patient, AH merges these records, creating a primary and a secondary ULI.

The first number represents the primary record; the second number (in brackets) references a secondary record. The primary PHN/ULI (the only record that can be modified) is based on eligibility, claim activity and age of the record. Both numbers, however, can be used for search purposes.

Updating Demographic Data

What are the critical elements to update in PD?

To ensure the proper identification and safety of a patient, there are a number of critical elements that require updating if a person’s demographic data changes (in order of importance):
  1. Date of Birth and Gender. The PHN/ULI, DOB and Gender uniquely identify a patient.
  2. Patient’s first, middle or last name.

What do I do if a person’s name or demographic data is incorrect?

A person's title, name(s), suffix, gender or date of birth may not be updated if the identity information has already been validated in the Central Stakeholder Registry (CSR). If only the date of birth has been validated, the other identity-related fields can still be updated. Individuals are required to provide proof before a change, update or correction will be made to their first, middle, or last name, date of birth and/or gender.

The public can update their own demographic information by visiting an authorized registry agent office or completing the applicable Notice of Change form and sending it to Alberta Health. Click here for AHCIP contact information.

Any personal information submitted by email is not secure, and may be observed by a third party while in transit. Any questions, comments, or concerns containing person health information should be made by telephone. 

Why am I seeing a View Person screen when I want to update a person's demographic data?

The View/ Update Person screen will only be visible for authorized users that have “View and Update PD” or “View and Update PD, including Newborn” access privileges.

Adding a Person

What is the format for adding an Alternate Identifier?

The Alternate ID numbers vary in how they are structured, and follow a specific format. The number must be a valid number for the type of Alternate ID entered. It must also pass an algorithm check digit validation if one is available.

What do I do if I've added a person to PD and their record already exists?

If a newly added person record is a duplicate (the record already exists in PD), click Merge Potential Duplicates to submit a merge request to AH. An Added in Error icon displays for an existing record added in error prior to Sept 18th, 2009. New records can no longer be marked as Added in Error.

Newborn Information

Can I view newborn data if I have "View PD" access?

No, the user must have either "View PD including Newborn" or "View and Update PD including Newborn" access.

Without the above access levels, a user will not see the Newborn Information link in the Additional Information area of the View Person or View/ Update Person screen.

Can I update and/ or add newborn data if I have "View and Update" PD access?

No, the user must have "View and Update PD, including Newborn" access. Without this access level, a user will not see the link Newborn Information in the Additional Information area of the View Person or View/ Update Person screen.

Why do I get the error message "Invalid City Name. Special Characters Not Permitted" when I try to add a newborn to the Parent / ULI file?

The error message, "Invalid City Name. Special Characters Not Permitted", is encountered when a user attempts to add a newborn to a parent ULI whose address was incorrectly updated to include a period after an abbreviation (e.g. St Albert is now St. Albert).

The parent address can be corrected using the below process and then the newborn may be added. To resolve the "Invalid City Name" error message:

  1. Back out completely of the Add Newborn screen.
  2. Go to the Person Search Criteria screen and enter/ search for the Parent ULI (birth mother) to be linked with the newborn.
  3. Once the Parent ULI (birth mother) has been selected, the user will be directed to the View/ Update Person screen. Click the Edit link for address and phone numbers.
  4. Remove the period from the abbreviated town/ city name on the address screen.
  5. Click Submit. A warning message may display. If so, click Submit again. Once the address change is submitted, proceed to add the newborn (via the Add Newborn screen) linking to the Parent ULI  (birth mother).

What do I do if I find a child with no first name?

Health cards are sent to parents of the newborn, if they have eligibility, within 48 hours of registration. A card may be sent with only the last name. Instructions accompany the mail out requesting that any errors or omissions be communicated to AH. An authorized user that has “View and Update” PD access, can populate the missing information.