Privacy and Security Breaches

Information security or privacy breach occurs when there is a violation of: HIA, rules for accessing Alberta Netcare information, or security or privacy policies of the custodian. A breach can also happen if there is a failure or absence of required safeguards to prevent a loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of information. The HIA has established fines for anyone who knowingly collects, uses, or discloses health information or who gains or attempts to gain access to health information in contravention of the HIA. Individuals who breach privacy and access rules could be subject to criminal charges, fines, and disciplinary measures within their licensing or professional organizations. The Provincial Reportable Incident Response Process (PRIRP) will be followed when reporting suspected security and privacy incidents. The PRIRP has been designed to ensure that all health stakeholders such as community custodians, AHS and health service partners are appropriately involved to respond to a suspected or real threat. All suspected breaches for Alberta Netcare must be reported using the PRIRP form. Email the completed PRIRP form to the Alberta Health Security Team.

Health Information Act (HIA) Help Desk 

Alberta Health Security Team