Helpful Resources
A variety of learning resources have been developed to support clinicians as they learn to use eReferral.
- Program Features
- User Benefits
- Specialist Link & eReferral Specialty List
- Specialty Advice Options in Edmonton & North Zones
- Nephrology Advice FAQ & Quick Start
- Adult GI FAQ & Quick Start
- Big Ideas: Set a preference for ANP inactivity timeout
- Big Ideas: Attach a WOLF EMR form to an eReferral
- Big Ideas: Generate a Paperless Referral in the Wolf EMR
- Big Ideas: How to attach a referral letter from Accuro into eReferral
Useful Links:
- Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Pathway
- Reasons for Referral
- Generic Referral Form
- Alberta Hip and Knee Replacement Referral Form
- Lung Cancer Referral Guidelines
- 2015 eReferral Evaluation Report: Read the Executive Summary, or the eReferral Evaluation Final Report
- 2019 eReferral Evaluation Report. This report is for internal reporting purpose only as part of on-going quality improvement study. To watch the informative webinar filmed in Jan. 2020, click here. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Visit the Learning Centre to view eReferral Quick Reference sheets, eDemos, a User Guide, or access the Training Environment to practice simulated patient records.
- Check out Access Improvement for more about how Alberta Health Services is improving Alberta's referral process.
- Specialist Link is a partnership between Alberta Health Services and Calgary area Primary Care Networks that provides Calgary area physicians with a telephone advice line and clinical care pathways.
- ConnectMD is a PCN program that offers family physicians in the Edmonton and North zones access to over 35 local specialty groups for routine patient advice over the phone.
- The Alberta Referral Directory is an online database comprised of comprehensive referral information and consultant (physician) demographics. The ARD centralizes up-to-date referral information across the province avoiding the need to publish documents in multiple places.
- Alberta’s Pathway Hub is a central location for trusted, evidence-informed clinical, patient and referral pathways. These pathways are co-designed by patients, primary care and specialty care providers to support Albertans.